Ráp 4 Mục Tiêu (Ngữ âm - Ngữ điệu - Nhấn - Luyến) - Steel Structure | Cao Thanh Khánh

Ráp 4 Mục Tiêu (Ngữ âm - Ngữ điệu - Nhấn - Luyến)

Bảng Câu Hỏi

30 câu thực hành ráp 4 mục tiêu

Thứ tự Câu hỏi Phiên âm
1 You were here this morning, weren't you? ju: wɜːr hɪr ðɪs ˈmɔːrnɪng, wɜːrnt ju:
No, I had a meeting at the Hotel. noʊ, aɪ hæd ə ˈmiːtɪŋ æt ðə hoʊˈtɛl
2 When will you move your office? wɛn wɪl ju muːv jɔːr ˈɔːfɪs?
At the end of the month, I hope. æt ði ɛnd ʌv ðə mʌnθ, aɪ hoʊp
3 Mark is always on time for dinner, isn't he? mɑːrk ɪz ˈɔːlweɪz ɒn taɪm fɔːr ˈdɪnər, ˈɪznt hiː?
Yes, He's never late for anything. jɛs, hiːz ˈnɛvər leɪt fɔːr ˈɛnɪθɪŋ
4 Has everyone shown up for the meeting yet? hæz ˈɛvriwʌn ʃəʊn ʌp fɔː ðə ˈmiːtɪŋ jɛt?
We're still waiting for Mr. Roberts. wɪə stɪl ˈweɪtɪŋ fɔː Mr. ˈrɒbəts
5 When is the new manager going to start work? wɛn ɪz ðə njuː ˈmænɪʤə ˈɡəʊɪŋ tuː stɑːt wɜːk?
Next Monday will be his first day. nɛkst ˈmʌndeɪ wɪl biː hɪz fɜːst deɪ
6 How much longer should we wait for them to arrive? haʊ mʌʧ ˈlɒŋɡə ʃʊd wiː weɪt fɔː ðɛm tuː əˈraɪv?
Let's just wait another few minutes. lɛts ʤʌst weɪt əˈnʌðə fjuː ˈmɪnɪts.
7 How long is the movie? haʊ lɒŋ ɪz ðə ˈmuːvi?
About two and a half hours. əˈbaʊt tuː ænd ə hɑːf aʊəz.
8 Your meeting was shorter than expected, wasn't it? jɔː ˈmiːtɪŋ wɒz ˈʃɔːtə ðæn ɪkˈspɛktɪd, ˈwɒzᵊnt ɪt?
Yes, It was over in less than an hour. jɛs, ɪt wɒz ˈəʊvər ɪn lɛs ðæn ən aʊə.
9 What time does the plane take off? wɒt taɪm dʌz ðə pleɪn teɪk ɒf?
It leaves at 5:45. ɪt liːvz æt 5:45.
10 When is your appointment with Dr.Kovacs? wɛn ɪz jɔːr əˈpɔɪntmənt wɪð Dr.Kovacs?
It's tomorrow afternoon. ɪts təˈmɒrəʊ ˌɑːftəˈnuːn.
11 When do you plan to retire? wen djə plæn tə rɪˈtaɪə?
By the end of next year. baɪ ðɪ end əv nekst jɪə.
12 Who knows how to use this computer program? huː nəʊz haʊ tə juːz ðɪs kəmˈpjuːtə prəʊgræm?
Lee can show you how to use it. liː kən ʃəʊ juː haʊ tə juːz ɪt
13 What do you think of the job applicants? wɔt djə θɪŋk əv ðə ʤɔb ˈæplɪkənts?/
Not one of them is qualified for the job. nɔt wʌn əv ðem ɪz ˈkwɔləfaɪd fɔː ðə ʤɔb
14 Do you want that sent to your home or office? djə wɔnt ðæt sent tu: jɔː həʊm ɔːr ˈɔfɪs?/
Please send it to my office. pliːz send ɪt tuː maɪ ˈɔfɪs
15 Shouldn’t we send this by registered mail? ʃʊdnt wi: send ðɪs baɪ ˈreʤɪstəd meəl?
Yes, that’s a good idea. jes ðæts ə gʊd aɪˈdɪə.

Cao Thanh Khánh Mechanical Engineer

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